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Rum att hyra, Nacka, Älta,
, Nacka- Rum att hyra
- Rum att hyra
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Rum att hyra, Nacka, Älta,
- 3929030
- Rum
- Ej angivet
- Ej angivet
- 5 900 kr.
- Ja
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Rum att hyra i Nacka, Älta
I have a light and nice room in my townhouse in Älta, Nacka, available for rent to a non-smoking woman (or perhaps to a man). The room is furnished with a bed, desk, chair, desk lamp, floor lamp, ceiling lamp, book shelf and wardrobe. Shared kitchen, WC & bath room, laundry room and garden porch. Free parking.
The house is next to a nature reserve. Several lakes to swim in, running paths and walking trails within walking distance. Hellasgården is nearby as well.
Close to the city - frequent buses, approx 20 mins to Slussen.
A beautiful and pleasant place to stay, close to both the city and nature.
1 month deposit.
I have a light and nice room in my townhouse in Älta, Nacka, available for rent to a non-smoking woman (or perhaps to a man). The room is furnished with a bed, desk, chair, desk lamp, floor lamp, ceiling lamp, book shelf and wardrobe. Shared kitchen, WC & bath room, laundry room and garden porch. Free parking.
The house is next to a nature reserve. Several lakes to swim in, running paths and walking trails within walking distance. Hellasgården is nearby as well.
Close to the city - frequent buses, approx 20 mins to Slussen.
A beautiful and pleasant place to stay, close to both the city and nature.
1 month deposit.
Information och data
Denna bostad som uthyres, som uthyres möblerat, ligger på Flugsnapparvägen i Nacka. Nacka har postnummer 13837 och ligger i kommunen Nacka, som ligger i Stockholms län. Bostaden uthyres som en vanlig hyresbostad. Du ska betala en deposition på 5 900 kr.
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