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Rum att hyra, Malmö Centrum, Se gatunamn[xxxxxxxxxx]

Se gatunamn[xxxxxxxxxx], Malmö Centrum
  • Rum att hyra
  • 15 m2
Rum att hyra, Malmö Centrum, <span class="blurred street" onclick="ProcessAdRequest(3929054)"><span class="hint">Se gatunamn</span>[xxxxxxxxxx]</span>
Se gatunamn[xxxxxxxxxx], Malmö Centrum
  • Rum att hyra
  • 15 m2
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Rum att hyra, Malmö Centrum, Se gatunamn[xxxxxxxxxx]


  • 3929054
  • Rum
  • 15 m2
  • 1.1.2026
  • Ej angivet
  • Ja
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Rum att hyra i Malmö Centrum

Fresh completely renovated and modern furnished ground floor (55 kvm) in a very green area with all commodities and a beautiful relaxing view to the courtyard. The apartment is located at Bellevuegården, 15 minutes by bus/bike to Malmö Central Station and Universities, 5 minutes to Hyllie Station and Emporia Shopping Mall. ICA Supermarket, pizzeria, library, pharmacy and bakery just few steps away from the apartment.
The place is surrounded by very nice gardens, playgrounds, outside gyms bike-lanes and a forest area just 200 meters away from the apartment.
You share the place with me, I'm vegan/vegetarian and I would appreciated if you also are. I'm working at Malmö Hospital full-time weekdays, I'm a very calm easy to deal with person and very careful with those I share the apartment with.
Wash-machine, dish-machine, internet connection, electricity all included.

Information och data

Denna bostad som uthyres, som uthyres möblerat, ligger på Hålsjögatan i Malmö Centrum. Malmö Centrum har postnummer 21766 och ligger i kommunen Malmö, som ligger i Malmö. Bostaden är totalt 15 m2. Bostaden uthyres som en vanlig hyresbostad. Tillträdesdatumet är 1.1.2026.

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