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Rum att hyra, Huddinge,
, Huddinge- Rum att hyra
- 10 m2
- Rum att hyra
- 10 m2
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Rum att hyra, Huddinge,
- 3929158
- Rum
- 10 m2
- Ej angivet
- 450 kr.
- Ja
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Rum att hyra i Huddinge
This rental is only for students:
Renting out a room in a 5-room apartment in Flemingsberg. The apartment is partially renovated and has two bathrooms. The building itself is quite small with few neighbours and is situated right at the edge of the forest. The transit station (pendeltåg) is 10 minutes away and gets you to Central Stockholm in just 20 minutes. Near the station you also find one of the big ICA stores which is open until 22:00. The apartment is situated within walking distance of Karolinska Institutet in Huddinge. I work nearby as a pharmacist. I have ample space in my apartment, that's why I decided to rent out two rooms to students. Everything is included into the rent, except food ofc. There is an extra paid parking spot that can be used freely if you have a car. The first room is being occupied by a fine student from Ukraine.
Renting out a room in a 5-room apartment in Flemingsberg. The apartment is partially renovated and has two bathrooms. The building itself is quite small with few neighbours and is situated right at the edge of the forest. The transit station (pendeltåg) is 10 minutes away and gets you to Central Stockholm in just 20 minutes. Near the station you also find one of the big ICA stores which is open until 22:00. The apartment is situated within walking distance of Karolinska Institutet in Huddinge. I work nearby as a pharmacist. I have ample space in my apartment, that's why I decided to rent out two rooms to students. Everything is included into the rent, except food ofc. There is an extra paid parking spot that can be used freely if you have a car. The first room is being occupied by a fine student from Ukraine.
Information och data
Denna bostad som uthyres, som uthyres möblerat, ligger på Mangårdsvägen i Huddinge. Huddinge har postnummer 14151 och ligger i kommunen Huddinge, som ligger i Stockholms län. Bostaden är totalt 10 m2. Bostaden uthyres som en vanlig hyresbostad. Du ska betala en deposition på 450 kr.
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