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Rum att hyra, Angered,
, Göteborg Angered- Rum att hyra
- 30 m2
- Rum att hyra
- 30 m2
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Rum att hyra, Angered,
- 3929145
- Rum
- 30 m2
- Ej angivet
- 1 000 kr.
- Ja
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Rum att hyra i Angered
We have a large furnished room (for one or two people) in the city of Gothenburg in a two-storey house, it has a private bathroom and a private refrigerator, with a large kitchen and a common laundry room for the other residents. The monthly rent for one person is 650 euros and for two people is 750 euros, with electricity, water, internet, TV, cleaning materials for the kitchen and bathrooms, and cleaning once a month for the kitchen and bathrooms.
The location of the house is safe, clean and close to transportation.
The deposit is worth two months of the above-mentioned rent.
The location of the house is safe, clean and close to transportation.
The deposit is worth two months of the above-mentioned rent.
Information och data
Denna bostad som uthyres, som uthyres möblerat, ligger på Malörtsgatan i Angered. Angered har postnummer 42461 och ligger i kommunen , som ligger i Göteborg. Bostaden är totalt 30 m2. Bostaden uthyres som en vanlig hyresbostad. Du ska betala en deposition på 1 000 kr.
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