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Lägenhet att hyra, Sollentuna,
, Sollentuna- Lägenhet att hyra
- 45 m2
- Lägenhet att hyra
- 45 m2
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Lägenhet att hyra, Sollentuna,
- 4861938
- Lägenhet
- 45 m2
- 2
- Ej angivet
- 1 150 kr.
- Ja
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Lägenhet att hyra i Sollentuna
A big minivilla with 2 floors 45m2 Topfloor = Kitchen and livingroom
Downfloor = Big bedroom You can also be 2 people with one bed upstairs and one bed downstairs
Its a bus just outside taking you to Sollentuna Centrum where you can go easily to Stockholm City There will be furnitures in the apartment/house when you book it It will be as many beds as you are and a sofa/ chair table and kitchentable and some sort of wardrobe
Downfloor = Big bedroom You can also be 2 people with one bed upstairs and one bed downstairs
Its a bus just outside taking you to Sollentuna Centrum where you can go easily to Stockholm City There will be furnitures in the apartment/house when you book it It will be as many beds as you are and a sofa/ chair table and kitchentable and some sort of wardrobe
Information och data
Denna bostad som uthyres, som uthyres möblerat, ligger på Båtsmansvägen i Sollentuna. Sollentuna har postnummer 19248 och ligger i kommunen Sollentuna, som ligger i Stockholms län. Bostaden är totalt 45 m2 fördelat på 2 rum. Bostaden uthyres som en vanlig hyresbostad. Du ska betala en deposition på 1 150 kr.
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