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Lägenhet att hyra, Partille, Sävedalen,
, Partille- Lägenhet att hyra
- 25 m2
- Lägenhet att hyra
- 25 m2
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Lägenhet att hyra, Partille, Sävedalen,
- 4391689
- Lägenhet
- 25 m2
- 16.6.2025
- Ej angivet
- Ja
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Lägenhet att hyra i Partille, Sävedalen
This rental is only for students:
Studio in a villa with your own entrance, really close to nature (lake, forest etc) Only 15 minutes by bus to central station from Sävedalen. It’s fully furnished and includes a living room/bedroom, bathroom, a well equipped kitchenette, TV, wardrobe etc... We are looking for students who are in Gothenburg for a short period (from 3 to 6 months)
Studio in a villa with your own entrance, really close to nature (lake, forest etc) Only 15 minutes by bus to central station from Sävedalen. It’s fully furnished and includes a living room/bedroom, bathroom, a well equipped kitchenette, TV, wardrobe etc... We are looking for students who are in Gothenburg for a short period (from 3 to 6 months)
Information och data
Denna bostad som uthyres, som uthyres möblerat, ligger på Hermelinsvägen i Partille. Partille har postnummer 43370 och ligger i kommunen Partille, som ligger i Västra Götaland. Bostaden är totalt 25 m2. Bostaden uthyres som en vanlig hyresbostad. Tillträdesdatumet är 16.6.2025.
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